Future Tense- April 2012

Here is an awesome video put together by a few awesome dudes. This is the Future Tense event that took place last friday. We got ramps provided by Red Bull, and had a lot of fun. Check out the video below.

Big thanks goes out to Red Bull, Zlog and of course everyone else who came out and had fun!


Here is a photo Matt took of me getting that bump to wall. This angle really shows the gap from the bump to the wall, and how I had to avoid the electrical box to get there. Was pretty stoked on this one.


Todestrieb: the drive towards death, self-destruction and the return to the inorganic

Went down to LBC for a few days to stay with the Fixie Factory and film this bad boy for HPLUSSON. Big thank you to Wolfdrawn for filming and editing this together.

H PLUS SON: TYLER JOHNSON from Matthew Spencer on Vimeo.

You can purchase the rims now! HERE in 26″ or 29″ I have tested both sizes and these things are bomb!

CSK Practice

Practicing some tricks to get consistent.

Tyler Johnson: Putting It In To Practice from Ruffian on Vimeo.

Dream Big // Friends

(This photo cracks me up. Everyone but Anthony is making a weird face.)

I just had dinner with Chris Clappe and Jacob Ruff last night, our usual friday night dinner. Whilst eating away and saying weird things, according to Jacob I said, “I like back to back babies.” I have NO IDEA whether I said that or what it is in reference to, but that is beside the point. We got to talking about my SKYLMT part, and how I was slightly disappointed with the overall reaction to it from the majority of the comments about it. Chris brought up a super great point though, while the reaction may not have been what I was looking for, the video reached a much, much larger audience than most fixed gear videos do. It was reaching outside of the small circle of fixed freestyle fanatics, many that I know by name, and to people who ride bmx, track bikes, mtb, or other aspects of cycling that may not understand what makes fixed freestyle unique or hard. Especially with the similarity of the tricks I have been doing to current bmx edits, the video may not read as a good fixed gear edit, but more a lackluster bmx edit.

Tyler Johnson from SKYLMT™ on Vimeo.

After sitting down and mulling this over, I came across this post on The Come Up’s Chicken and Rice where Adam talks about view numbers of most pro BMX edits, the time that these views are acquired, and the ratings of views similar to records.

Then how did this get 100,000 views in 2 and a half weeks? I know for a fact that the average BMXer now considers street his favorite type of riding; our recent demographic survey says that 72% of TCU’s readers (or at least the 1700 or so who were willing to fill out a survey for me) consider street their favorite form of riding; hilariously/amusingly/weirdly/unfortunately, Vital’s media kit says that 77% of their reader’s agree. But when 2 riders who are virtually unknown can go platinum (100,000 views is platinum, 50,000 is gold, a million is diamond just like in the record business) off of a 3 and a half minute skatepark session, what does that say? Top street edits from big name street pro’s like Brad Simms and Nathan Williams don’t even get those kind of numbers. A fairly popular edit (something like the OSS trailer, the Tony Neyer exclusive or Miles Rogoish) will usually settle in around 20,000 views after a couple months. Unknown riders first getting posted on TCU/Ride/Vital will often get somewhere around 5000. So t 100,000 in 2 weeks from a couple of Scottish kids riding an indoor park is really remarkable. That’s as many as the Fiend promo, which if you ask me (or anyone really) was the most popular street edit of last year amongst those who “get” BMX and it’s been out for 5 months.

That really put things into perspective for me.  Although, fixed gear freestyle is NOT bmx, most of us watch all the new bmx edits as well.  So I mean if my edit, filmed over a month in winter, was able to accumulate 21K views in a month, that is AMAZING not lackluster. I think this may have been a case of me dreaming to big, and who can blame me? I busted my ass, literally, filming for this video part, my friends dedicated hours and hours of time going out with me to film it, and in the end it was all worth it.

I hope this post doesn’t sound to weird or self centered, but maybe you will find it interesting to see how my thought process works sometimes. I think we all know the feeling were you work really hard on something, but don’t get the response or reaction you thought you would. I still would like to say THANK YOU to every blog who posted it and helped promote SKYLMT . We are going to have big things dropping soon!

It’s the weekend, go out, ride your bike, have fun, and dream as big as you can.

Riding is Fun


Photo by Zach Hoffner

Also just bought another pair of those SK8 Hiker Hi’s in grey. They are the best Vans ever.

ZLOG – Year in Review 2011

Chris just finished editing up this lil video from all the scrap clips over the past year. Lots of fun times. Check out more at ZLOG

ZLOG Crew-Year In Review from chris clappe on Vimeo.

2011- A Look Back

This past year has been a whirlwind of traveling, bikes, modeling, and life. I could not be more thankful for the amazing things that I was able to accomplish and experience over the past year. I am really proud of a lot of the things that happened, so I wanted to write a post that involved some of the most memorable things in chronological order.

Click Image to be taken to the entire lookbook.


This first big event was getting to shoot for the Fall 2011 Stussy Lookbook down in LA. While I stayed in the model apartment for one night, I was lucky enough to get down and stay with Matt Spencer (wolfdrawn) for a few days and ride. Had a lot of fun, and thanks to him for hosting me!

Barspin- Click to be taken to Prolly's full story.

Click to read the rest of “2011- A Look Back” [Read more…]

John’s Top 10 Fixthie Edits of 2011

Prolly is not Probably Top FGFS 10 Edits of 2011

Super greatful to make the #3 in the top 10 edits of 2011. It was based on FB “likes” and tweets. So being that my video is 5 days old that is really awesome!

You can check out my facebook or my twitter as well if you like.

Thanks to Prolly is not Probably for the awesome coverage of all things bikes in 2011!

Tom and Torey

Tom and Torey are two of my favorite dudes and riders. I think I spy some SKYLMT bars on Tom’s bike.  Originally seen at WRAHW